Day 43 – Darwin Reflections

You probably thought we were done when we finished the ride. The ride is done, but before we leave Australia we know we have more to do to. That was only part of the point of the quote I shared in yesterday’s entry:

“We thrive not when we have done it all, but when we still have more to do.” Sarah Lewis from her Ted Talk, “Embrace the Near Win.”

Today, was spent disassembling and packing the bikes. Joe spent time making preparations to go to Litchfield National Park about 2 hours south of Darwin for a bit of R&R. While packing the bikes today, that quote kept running thru my head. I was thinking a lot about this project and where it might go. How little or great an impact it has, depends on a lot of things. One of those things is buy-in by the villages. I think last fall, after two years of work by the Well Team from Jeanes Church, the villages got grasp of what that buy-in meant. It meant their hard work would result in a well in their village. The buy-in also involves those who have followed this ride. Ride for Water is about a bicycle ride, but it is also about being aware of something we take for granted, access to safe clean water. Today while I was looking over some of the posts on my phone I realized that the mobile application doesn’t always show the donation widget that links to the fundraising site that was set up so that we can realize your “buy-in.” To see the donation widget on a mobile device may require the user to activate the “Desktop site” option. That widget allows online donations thru that are then forwarded to Copper Creek Church. All donations received by Copper Creek Church for Ride for Water will go toward well projects in Malawi Africa. In the case that your mobile device does not show the widget regardless of settings, the direct link to the Ride for Water II donation site is:

Thank you to those who have already bought in and given generously. To make this project thrive I know I still have more to do. I hope you will help me realize this effort.





Packed and ready to go.


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