July 2016

Day 16 – Clare to Port Pirie 111 K / 69 Miles

I first spotted the crop duster as it made a high banking turn to our northeast, silhouetted in the morning sun. We were headed north out of Clare and it was working the vineyards to the east as we rode up the valley. The airplane...

Day 15 – Gawler to Clare 95 K / 59 Miles

We met Aarol and Janece as we were walking our bikes across the parking lot at the Clare Valley Motel this evening. They asked if the could help us. We were looking for room #23 and it was dark after having arrived sometime after 5:30....

Day 14 – Murray Bridge to Gawler 88 K / 55 Miles

We were leaving Murray Bridge this morning when I noticed another touring cyclist approaching from behind, he spoke briefly as he sped by. Ahead, he sped past Joe as well as David. I thought it a bit odd that he didn’t slow down to exchange...

Day 13 Rest Day – Adelaide

[caption id="attachment_1708" align="alignnone" width="401"] A rainy ride into the city.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1713" align="alignnone" width="411"] The Museum of South Australia[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1714" align="alignnone" width="398"] The Museum of South Australia[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1715" align="alignnone" width="300"] WWI memorial[/caption]...

Day 12 – Miningie to Murray’s Bridge 82 K / 51 Miles

  Peter is from Perth on Australia’s West coast. He is headed to Melbourne his home-town. In the past several weeks he has crossed the Nullarbor Plain of the southwest and made a right turn at Port Augusta and has been travelling through the Adelaide area...

Day 11 – Salt Creek to Miningie 62 K / 38 Miles

Tonight we’re at the Backpacker’s Hotel above the Miningie Pub. It was another short mileage day, into a brutal headwind, complemented by a large dose of cold rain. It is definitely winter in Australia. Our progress is getting a bit depressing. We are all really starting...

Day 10 – Kingston S.E. to Salt Creek 87 K / 54 Miles

As I ride in the morning I am typically thinking of things to share in the journal. Mornings are good. My mind and legs are fresh. By the end of the day neither is true. Today seemed especially difficult for no other reason than the...

Day 9 – Beachport to Kingston S.E. 94 K / 58 Miles

The votes are in… the sausages win. At least according to ABC Australia News. Today was Election Day in Australia. According to reports, sausage festivals are a traditional part of the Election Day festivities, and used as fundraisers for a variety of causes. Like in...

Day 8 -Mt. Gambier to Beachport 87 Km / 54 Miles

As we rolled into Beachport there was a little car park and beach access on the left. Beachport is on a small peninsula that juts 3 K into the Southern Ocean. From the beach access I could view to the right the small village with...