Day 36 – Elliot to Daly Waters 155 K / 96 Miles

I know Barb would have refused the accommodations at Elliot’s “most exclusive” hotel. Not sure I should post the picture but the inside was quite a bit better than this book’s cover.  Not to say it was great, just better. Other options were actually less appealing, even the caravan (RV) park left even more to be desired. Bush camping could have been an option, but it was early in the day, and it was hot and there was little cover from the heat. Oh yes, the heat, everyone has warned that it will get progressively worse the farther north we go. Each day recently has proven that.  

Ah…what the heck, this is an adventure…!… as you read this you can be assured that we survived Australia’s version of the Bates Motel. Not to say it wasn’t eerie. As we were leaving this morning I remarked to Joe about the large birds flocking in the nearby trees, so much so that the limbs were obviously bending by the weight. When Joe remarked, “those aren’t birds!” it became obviously that they were hanging up-side-down. They were bats, very large bats, in very large numbers. We couldn’t help but stand and watch. The locals at the roadhouse call them flying foxes they are also known as fruit bats and are among the largest variety of bats. Australia definitely has the most unique wildlife.
We were rolling along at a very comfortable pace about 25 K north of Elliot when we noticed 2 southbound cyclists. Matthew Harris originally from Adelaide and Clement Peltier from France had left Darwin a few days before having arrived after cycling throughout Indonesia for the past several months. They had heard about us traveling north and had expected to encounter us today. Both had started their journeys in Europe in 2014, Clement in France and Matthew in Holland. They met in eastern Europe and have been travelling east since, Clement via India and Matthew via China, they kept in communication during their separate journeys and met up again in Indonesia. Matthew would end his journey at home in Adelaide, Clement would venture on to New Zealand and then was hoping to help crew a sailing ship back to Europe. Matthew’s adventure can be followed at: and Clements at:
The heat has risen as we have moved north. Today we took about a 2-hour break at the roadhouse at Dunmarra. Waiting out the heat of the day and stocking up on fluids is an important strategy. Tonight we are in Daly Waters and secured the last campsite in the caravan park. Daly Waters is a unique outback experience. Being a roadhouse and caravan park are not unique. Daly Waters is widely know for its barramundi (fish), beer and entertainment. As we set up our tents we were serenaded by an Australian guitarist doing American country and western classics, including Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire” The place was packed with vacationers. What an interesting experience. We had been told about Daly Water often during our trip and were happy we had taken the opportunity to spend the night.


“Best Place in Town”… Scary thought…. I think more of an adventure than bush camping!


Flying foxes / fruit bats. These were about the same size as crows.





Clement and Matthew.


The evening at Daly Waters.

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