Day 35 – Renner Springs Roadhouse to Elliot 92 K / 57 Miles

From here north, we can rely on roadhouse locations for our nightly stops. Unless we have some sort of difficulties that delay us, bush camping is only an emergency option. The winds were from the East Southeast and again providing a boost for our efforts. At times we were buffeted by side winds but for the most part they aided our progress. The cashier at Renner Springs Roadhouse warned us that services in Elliot close up early, typically between 4-5 PM. So we made sure that we got in well before then. We made it to Elliot just after noon.
Our start was cool. By the time we arrived in Elliot, we were glad we were going to be off the road for the afternoon. Tomorrow our destination is Daly Waters. At a 140 K we will need those same favorable winds and an early start to beat the afternoon heat.

Elliot is an aboriginal town.  It has a hospital and police station and 2 gas stations.  Its one claim is represented by an historical marker which memorializes the staging camp that was located here for forces going off to WWII.  This location was out of the range of Japanese bombers which struck Darwin during the war.



Hmmmm… “Most Exclusive” Definitely… but a bit to be desired.

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