Day 31 and 32 Rest Days – Alice Springs.

Much needed time was spent putting the ride in perspective. We all sat down over coffee and tea in the morning before breakfast to discuss our options. David has yet to decide whether to stop here or continue on. He is definite about taking 2 days rest to see how he feels.

After lengthy discussion with Joe we have decided to leapfrog ahead to Tennet Creek via Greyhound. We have forfeited any hopes of visiting Uluru, but decided some of the National Parks near Darwin are something we want to take in. Without this move we agreed the ride would have been void of taking in any of these special places. Our move will save us about 5 days of riding and put us within fairly easy 9 day ride of Darwin. There is bus service 9 AM out of Alice that will get us into Tennet Creek at 3PM Tuesday. We are figuring a straight 9 days into Darwin with some small stops at museums along the way.

David Isitt heads back to Brisbane via air Monday morning. His presence has truly been a pleasure.


Jake and Elwood make another appearance.


Spun sugar as a topping for waffles. A nice touch.


Alice from atop Anzac Hill.


1 Comment
  • Anonymous

    I think the bus is a smart move. If you force things, it doesn’t always go well. Have fun on the trip. Glad you are taking the time to get some perspective.

    July 25, 2016 at 8:11 pm