Day 25 Coober Pedy to Cadney Homestead Park 153 K / 95 Miles

With the rest day we all agreed to try to get and early start. For the first time, we were on the road before 8 AM. While the headwinds persisted they were relatively light and we made decent time. It seems that the earlier we start, the lighter the traffic. Opal mining operations extended over 30 kilometers north of Coober Pedy

We didn’t have a set goal for today’s mileage, either another bush camp 75 – 80 miles out, or if things went well, we might be able to make a roadhouse at Cadney Homestead Park. We have found that while necessary for logistics, when we bush camp, it cut significantly into our ride time. So if we could make the roadhouse we might realize that benefit as well as a much more restful sleep.

Sunset is right around 6 PM and at around 4 PM we decided to shoot for Cadney Homestead Park . We were about a half hour out when the sun sank below the horizon. Like light traffic in the morning, it also dissipates with the sunlight and in the last half hour of our ride in the evening afterglow, we were passed by only two other vehicles.

Definitely our longest day so far. The 95 miles felt good.


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Mining operations north of Coober Pedy.


Roadside rest stop. Official rest areas are deplorable without restrooms or apparently trash collection. This will do….


Surprising change of scenery as we rode into some grasslands.


A near full moon in the afterglow as we approached Cadney Homestead Park.

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