Day 23 Bush Camp #2 to Coober Pedy 132 K / 82 Miles

It seemed rather pleasant standing around the campfire last evening. The stars were brilliant. The Southern Cross is nearly overhead, with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn standing out brilliantly. It must have been around 3 AM when the temperature seemed to drop. I had taken time to warm my feet before crawling into the sleeping bag, but the cold again disturbed a rather restful sleep. I slipped into my fleece jacket and crawled back into the sleeping bag for another less comfortable couple of hours. Frost adorned the bikes when I emerged from the tents just before sun-up.

Getting up and going in the cold is difficult, we had decided last evening to “pack wet” if our tents had condensation or dew. We could dry them in Coober Pedy and time was of the essence in getting on the road. Despite our best efforts in was just after 9 before we were on the road passing the CP 130 milepost (Coober Pedy 130 Kilometers) just down the road from our camp.

While seeming flat the road climbed at a very constant and almost un-noticeable rate. We started the morning at an altitude of 146 meters and by lunch we were over 220. Along with the headwind, making our goal was going to require our best effort and all the daylight we could muster.

David has been suffering quite severe back pain the last couple days. He has soldiered onward. It is not something I think I could do. I think his meds are barely making a difference in pain management. The foot-pain I have developed in the last couple days pails in comparison, yet the searing pain just above and below the ball of my right foot, has added to my personal challenges. There is a slight bruising, but from where it came, I have no idea. At two points today, I had to get off the bike to allow the pain to subside. It wasn’t until we reached Coober Pedy after the sun had already set that I realized I had not taken any of my regimen of supplements and anti-inflammatories today.

Tomorrow is a rest day. Much needed.  


Sunrise over Bush Camp #2.


Sunset into Coober Pedy


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