Day 21 Pimba to Glendambo 119 K / 73 Miles

The roadhouse at Pimba has a few very basic rooms. A hot shower and heat does a wealth of good for a night’s sleep and a good night’s sleep helps with getting one’s mind straight. I woke this morning well rested and ready to go with my head back into it. David awoke with back pain and was moving very tentatively. He made a valiant effort to get out for a good start despite his obvioius pain. Our goal for the day is the roadhouse at Glendambo at 119 K. I had talked with Joe about trying to get on the road at 8:00 and the three of us set out at 8:10.

Pimba is on top of a large plateau with an altitude of around 200 meters.   Our route was flat. As far as we could see in all directions was the red earth and small scrub not more than a foot or two tall. That view extended in all directions to the horizon uninterrupted. Except for the road, the view gave the impression of being at sea with no shore on the horizon. We started a gentle descent off the plateau after about 25 K .

There was little to no wind to start. From Pimba, we were traveling in a westerly direction. As the morning progressed we realized the nice boost of a slight tailwind. At around 40 K we came across a rest area overlooking Hart Lake. We took an early lunch break and then headed on. With the road conditions and the prevailing tailwind we were all thankful for the conditions that persisted into the afternoon.

We rolled into Glendambo at 3:45. David was glad to be off his bike. We were all pleased with the day and the progress.



The roadhouse at Pimba.


Our view for the start of the day.


Hart Lake is normally a dry lake bed.


Moonrise over the desert.

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