July 2016

Day 12 – Miningie to Murray’s Bridge 82 K / 51 Miles

  Peter is from Perth on Australia’s West coast. He is headed to Melbourne his home-town. In the past several weeks he has crossed the Nullarbor Plain of the southwest and made a right turn at Port Augusta and has been travelling through the Adelaide area...

Day 11 – Salt Creek to Miningie 62 K / 38 Miles

Tonight we’re at the Backpacker’s Hotel above the Miningie Pub. It was another short mileage day, into a brutal headwind, complemented by a large dose of cold rain. It is definitely winter in Australia. Our progress is getting a bit depressing. We are all really starting...

Day 10 – Kingston S.E. to Salt Creek 87 K / 54 Miles

As I ride in the morning I am typically thinking of things to share in the journal. Mornings are good. My mind and legs are fresh. By the end of the day neither is true. Today seemed especially difficult for no other reason than the...