Day 2 – Saturday, June 25, Lorne to Apollo Bay 47.2 KM – 29.32 Miles

There are a variety of smells in the air as I write this, and the sound of dishes and kitchen-ware intermingle with a variety of languages, Chinese, German, English and of course Kiwi. It’s dinnertime and everyone is gathered in the kitchen and dining area of the YHA Australia Hostel in Apollo Bay. This was our stop after a day that made up for all the difficulties of Day #1.

We left Lorne just after 8:30 AM with the temperature hovering in the low 30s. People we would meet later today would tell us that Friday’s temperatures were the coldest it has been in the area in over 30 years. No wonder so many people seemed interested in what we were doing. Today’s ride also proved challenging, as the road was narrow and traffic proved increasingly worrisome as the day went on. The road was at times a few hundred feet above the rocky shore, other times we were riding along at sea level. Each transition meant a twisting climb or descent, many times around blind curves.

As the sun moved higher in the northern sky, we were soon removing the layers that had protected us from the morning chill. Never really warm, the air was pleasantly cool and the winds were light. We really couldn’t ask for better riding weather. As we made our way west, we frequently had to stop to take in the many dramatic vistas. Save for the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon, this was probably one of our most spectacular rides. With a stop in Wye River, we replenished with carbs and caffeine. We saw our first koalas in Kennet River.

Definitely not a high mileage day, proceeding farther was not an option as tomorrow will start with a long arduous climb over Lavers Hill at an altitude of over 400 meters above sea level. A couple we met in Kennet River who were avid cyclists and knew the Great Ocean Road well, advised for a stay in Apollo Bay and a fresh start before tackling the hill. Tomorrow we are shooting for an early start, wanting to get on the road at first light and make as much progress as possible. So our compromise was to stop early today. The YHA Hostel came highly recommended and is a clean, modern, well-equipped facility. We walked to a nearby grocery story to purchase what was needed for dinner. David and Joe are busy in the kitchen creating large portions of spaghetti with meat sauce, salad and garlic bread.

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Early morning at Lorne


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Looking West across Apollo Bay


Approaching Apollo Bay



YHA Australia Hostel


YHA Hostel








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