Day 62 – August 4 – Orwell, NY to Boonville, NY – 41 Miles

Day 62 – August 4 – Orwell, NY to Boonville, NY – 41 Miles

Things did not go as planned today. The dreaded 4-H’s have returned.  It was hot and humid with temperature in the mid 90’s.  The hills and headwinds plagued us all day.  The same mechanical issues with Joe’s bike we thought we had solved yesterday, returned.  It turned out to be on of the toughest days we have had in quite a while.  I guess we should be thankful for that.

Just east of the town of Osceola, NY as we climbed out of the valley, Joe began experiencing shifting problems as we ascended one of the grades.  Suddenly his chain broke, again.  As with changing flat tires, once you do this a couple times you get more proficient and making the repairs.  This chain repair took about 15 minutes and we were back on the road.  Or so we thought.  Starting out on a hill especially with a loaded touring bike can be difficult.  This was an especially steep grade.  Joe’s first attempt to get started the chain slipped off the large sprocket lodging between the sprocket and spokes.  As we were putting the chain back on we noticed the sprockets had loosened again.  This was not good given the terrain facing us for the remainder of our trip.  Something is wrong with the rear hub, freewheel and cassette assembly beyond my capabilities to make a permanent repair on the road.  I was able to tighten the cassette enough to make our way 20 more miles to Booneville.  The nearest bike shop is about 30 miles beyond Boonville, in Old Forge.

Tonight we are staying at the Hulbert House in Boonville.  The Hulbert House was built in 1812 as a hotel.  It has an 1812 vintage tavern and restaurant on the first floor.  Our room is upstairs.  It is an historic building with a lot of character.

Tomorrow we will head toward the bike shop in Old Forge.  I called today and they are open on Sundays and have a mechanic on duty.  We will need to get an early start.  Forecasts call for the possibility of thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon.  We have been blessed with very few mechanical issues that could not be handled on the road.  Making it to Old Forge will be a challenge.

The Salmon Reservoir near Orwell, NY

The Salmon Reservoir near Orwell, NY

THe Hulbert House.

The Hulbert House.


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