Day 60 – August 2 – Spencerport, NY to Sodus Point, NY – 70 Miles

Day 60 – August 2 – Spencerport, NY to Sodus Point, NY – 70 Miles

We got a rather decent 8:00 start this morning.  For the first time on the trip we stopped at a Dunkin Donuts.  It was quick and right on our route of travel back to the canal towpath.

Today the scenery along the canal transitioned from rural to urban as we made our way into Rochester.  The canal cuts across the south side of the city crossing under numerous railroads as well as highways.  In many areas, graffiti on buildings and retaining walls replaced the nicely restored historic buildings of the smaller rural towns.  Several people had warned us about stopping in Rochester and advised to keep moving.  That advice seemed to be quite over blown as the canal trail was filled with cyclists, runners and walkers.  Not necessarily the most threatening people.

We stopped for a second breakfast in the town of Pittsford, a suburb of Rochester.  Pittsford has a nice commercial area along the towpath with a number of restaurants and boutiques.  The Coal Bin restaurant was filled with patrons.  Continuing east we passed through Fairport and Macedon before arriving in Palmyra the eastern end of the Erie Canal Trail.  We had 40 miles in by noon.  There was a Subway as well as a Laundromat nearby.

Palmyra is the birthplace of the Church of Latter Day Saints.  The first building we stopped in front of while looking for somewhere to eat was the building in which the first book of Mormon was published.

Joe and I have developed a pretty good routine for mixing laundry and lunch.  We scout the town to find a laundry as well as a restaurant.  We load up the washing machines and get them started then grab a quick lunch.   By the time we’re done with lunch, so is the laundry.  We will put the laundry in the dryer, and find somewhere to get ice cream.  By the time we are done with ice cream, our clothes are done.  We pack them in our panniers then hit the road for the afternoon.  Today, the process took about an hour and a half.

From Palmyra we turned north toward Lake Ontario.  Sodus Point had camping and the mileage worked well for us.  North of Palmyra we encountered our first hills in days.  We had been spoiled with the canal trail.  This area of New York is filled with orchards, primarily apples.  Roadside fruit stands are common.  About 5 miles from our destination we found Burnap’s Farm Stand, Market, & Café. We ordered or supper at the café, purchased some peaches and cherries for dessert and muffins for tomorrow’s breakfast.

Tonight we are camped just west of Sodus Point, NY overlooking Lake Ontario.

Along the canal east of Brockport.

Along the canal east of Brockport.

At Spencerport a canal boat has just passed the lift bridge.

At Spencerport a canal boat has just passed the lift bridge.

The Canal in Rochester.

The Canal in Rochester.

Approaching Lake Ontario.

Approaching Lake Ontario.



Sunset on Lake Ontario.

Sunset on Lake Ontario.


1 Comment
  • Karen

    Nothing much to report here, but just want to let you know that I look forward to the journal entries. I can’t believe how close you are to the end! Prayers for continued safe travels.

    August 3, 2012 at 3:31 am