Day 44 – July 17 – Muscatine, IA to Kewanee, IL – 85 Miles

It’s great to be back in Illinois!

We got a good start today, moving toward the river at 7:00.  We followed our Adventure Cycling maps that led us directly into street construction that cut off our access to the bridge over the Mississippi.  After looking at the GPS, we were able to make a detour that got us onto the bridge approach.  I was somewhat amazed at the lack of traffic on the bridge.  For some reason I had anticipated something crowded with cars and trucks, that was not the case.  The only traffic we passed was coming from Illinois into Muscatine.

The Illinois side of the river is a rural flood plane of farm fields.  It is flat for a couple miles between the river and a rather low ridgeline.  We followed the base of this ridgeline south along the Great River Road before turning east to climb the ridge.  At the top of the ridge we found typical Illinois, as flat as could be, as far as we could see to the east.  It was a welcome sight after the last few days of negotiating the Iowa side of the river.  A wind out of the southwest, gave us a promise of a good day.  Of our dreaded 4H’s only the heat and humidity were left to deal with.  It was still early enough that the heat had not set in, and the forecast called for temperatures in the upper 90s.

By 11:30 we had put in 50 miles including a refreshment stop in Reynolds, IL and a wrong turn near Sherrard.  Orion, IL would be our lunch stop.  As we entered Orion, I stopped to ask a woman where we might find a café or sandwich shop in town.  After giving us directions, she asked about the ride.  Her first question was if we were riding for a cause.  I told her about Ride for Water and as I was handing her one of my cards she handed me a 5 dollar bill.

After lunch we continued on trying to make it to somewhere cool in Kewanee.  We stopped in Cambridge for some ice cream and more water.  It was hot and we were starting to feel the effects.  Some water on our shirts as we rode provided some relief.  The last few miles took us through wind farms being built west of Kewanee.  Traffic around the construction site increased.  We made it into Kewanee around 3:00. We made good time despite the heat.  A shower and a few hours in the AC helped our recovery.

Tomorrow, the weather is supposed to be similar.  Our destination may be Pontiac or Streator depending on conditions.


The pattern made by the jet contrails caught my attention.

The pattern made by the jet contrails caught my attention.

Sherrard, IL

Sherrard, IL

Joe was able to spend time on homework this afternoon.

Joe was able to spend time on homework this afternoon.

  • Melissa

    Does that mean you might be in Ashkum by Thursday?

    July 18, 2012 at 3:00 am
  • Linda

    God bless the woman in Orion and all the people like her. She brought tears to my eyes.

    July 18, 2012 at 6:53 pm
  • Carol Thomas

    Christy Hurt and I were/are planning to go to Ashkum to see you today. Melissa was guessing you might be there by noon. However, Streator and Pontiac are west of Ashkum, so I’m guessing maybe Friday you’ll cross I-57?
    Now I’m realizing that you’re probably on the road already in the cool of this morning. My phone is 217-480-5973 if you get a chance to respond on a break.

    July 19, 2012 at 11:59 am
  • Lynnette Dodds

    Glad to hear your ride is going well. Hopefully you’ll get to see some familiar faces in IL. Sounds like you’re right behind a storm that is passing through the Midwest. I hope you will consider talking to the group I mentioned in my last message, The Art Club of Champaign. We would love to hear about your adventure. Blessings to you and your son. Safe travels.

    July 19, 2012 at 4:45 pm