Day 37 – July 10 – Rest Day – Crystal, MN

We took a much needed rest day at the home of Matt and Christina.  Sleeping in and a very lazy day felt good.  Joe made some progress on his summer homework, I walked to the nearby Cub Foods to pick up a few things we needed.  We got in a little time on the Wii and had the opportunity to do some bike maintenance with a good cleaning and lubrication.

Matt put together some great jambalaya for dinner and in the evening took us on a tour of Stratasys where he works.  Stratasys manufactures 3 dimensional printing systems used throughout the engineering, architectural, and manufacturing industry for creating 3D models, and parts for prototyping designs.  It is really amazing technology.  In a few hours, a part designed on a computer with a CAD program, can be printed out in plastic as a 3 dimensional model.  To say the least, with his interest in the engineering field, Joe was impressed.  I was as well.

Joe also had the opportunity to travel back in time to the early days of home computing when Matt got out his old Commodore 64C computer along with a selection of books, programs and cartridges.  It brought back some memories for me as well.

Joe explores the wonders of a Commodore 64

Joe explores the wonders of a Commodore 64

The day was just what we needed.


1 Comment
  • Mark Allender

    Hello Wayback machine. I could tell what that computer was before seeing the caption!

    July 12, 2012 at 1:54 pm