Day 34 – July 7 – Fergus Falls, MN to Sauk Centre, MN – 76 Miles

We slept in a little, took our time getting ready and made our way to our destination in a stress free manner.  That is how we looked at the opportunity to make our mileage on a rail trail.  The state of Minnesota has done an outstanding job of redeveloping abandoned rail lines into linear parks.  The surface is paved and the grades are hardly noticeable.  Most of the small towns along the lines have bought in as well and have developed some part of their economies to cater to trail users.  Most towns have built pavilions and have benches along the right of way.  Some have developed parkways that run from one side of town to the other.

“Today,” as Joe put it, ”our ride was therapeutic.”  We did not have keep our eyes and ears pealed for oncoming traffic.  We could ride side by side and have a conversation without having to yell.  We could hear the birds and see wildlife.  Traffic noise was none existent.  Much of the path was shaded which kept it cool. If we needed, we could stop on the path under some shade.  The trail took us past serene lakes.  We did not have to worry about running out of water as the small towns were only 7-8 miles apart.  We were able to take our time and explore some of the towns we passed thru.  It was a peaceful ride.

We met friendly people as well.  Before we even left Fergus Falls, we were stopped, checking a map to the trail-head, when a gentleman pulled up beside us and asked if we needed directions.  He provided the guidance we needed and when he was done, he made a U-turn and went the opposite direction we were going.  He had gone out of his way to help.  On the trail we met Jim Platz from Maine, he had flown to the west coast, and was cycling home.  We passed and were greeted by many locals out for a run or a ride.

We made it to Sauk Centre later than we anticipated, but we really didn’t care.  It was a good ride today.

On other things, Joe and I have decided to change our routing from what had been planned earlier.  So what is new? We have been changing it quite often.  This however is a bigger change as we have decided to not go thru Wisconsin and Michigan, and will instead follow the Mississippi River to Muscatine, Iowa, then head east across Illinois and Indiana.  This is actually the original Adventure Cycling Association Northern Tier route.  We will not be coming thru CU, but this routing will take us across central Illinois thru Ashkum  on Illinois 116 about 60 miles north of Champaign.  This will take us through familiar territory in central Illinois and Indiana.  We are not sure at this point what the timing will be for when we will make it thru the area.

Evidence we are now back in the midwest!

Evidence we are now back in the midwest!

The Central Lakes Trail.

The Central Lakes Trail.

Dowtown Osakis, MN

Dowtown Osakis, MN

I can hear the Prairie Home Companion theme....

I can hear the Prairie Home Companion theme….

  • Mike Ball

    Hey guys, by all means, let me know when you get a schedule ironed out. I’ll likely be able to ride with you for a bit. Mike

    July 9, 2012 at 1:57 am
  • Lori S.

    Glad to hear you will be coming through Illinois! Great blog.

    July 9, 2012 at 4:32 am
  • Vickie

    What a nice trail for you and beautiful picture of it. Keep on, keeping on!

    July 9, 2012 at 12:37 pm
  • Joan Hankel

    Hi Your new plan looks good, This is all very interesting . Hard to wait till the next blog , Hope you are still planing to stop here. It has cooled down to 91 today, but not a drop of rain yet, Love you b oth MOM

    July 10, 2012 at 2:37 am
  • Melissa

    Please, please let us know when you’ll be going through Ashkum. We’d love to cheer you on!

    July 15, 2012 at 10:12 pm