June 2012

Day 2 Clatskanie to Portland

A Better Day.  78 Miles We awoke around 6 AM to the sound of pouring rain.  Our wet gear from Day 1 was strung across a coat rack in hopes that it would dry over the heating unit.  That was mostly successful but we prepared...

Day 1 – June 4 – Seaside to Clatskanie – 60 Miles

A Day Full of Challenges. The weather predictions were for rain showers for the start of the ride.  We were fortunate that it was just overcast and the temps were in the mid 50s. The hotel sign had advertised a “continental breakfast” when I inquired...


Our travel to Portland went well.  The time to wind down watching the scenery pass was a welcome transition from the hectic preparations over the last week.  It provided a needed segue to a total different way of thinking about time and the journey that...

A Note of Gratitude

As we roll along through rural Wisconsin following the Mississippi River into Minneapolis, I still find it hard to believe that the trip has started.  As the night falls I think about all those who have shown their support and encouragement to make this trip...

We’re Ready

Its just after 9 PM on the 31st.  We leave in the morning for Chicago to catch Empire Builder for Portland. It departs at 2:15.  We will need to get there in plenty of time to check the boxed bikes as well as the other boxes containing the...