June 2012

Day 16 – June 19 – Missoula, MT to Condon, MT– 85 Miles

Today was a high mileage day.  Seems appropriate after a rest day?   We started about 8:00 AM, our earliest start.  We had decided to try for Condon, MT about halfway to Glacier Park.  The day started off cool and never got above 50 degrees all...

Day 12 – June 15 – Kamiah, ID to USFS Wilderness Gateway, ID – 57 Miles

[caption id="attachment_244" align="aligncenter" width="682"] USFS Apgar Campground. Our lunch stop along the Lochsa River[/caption] [caption id="attachment_243" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Joe and Chris stopped at Lowell, ID[/caption] [caption id="attachment_242" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Along the Clearwater River[/caption] Things don’t always go as planned or as anticipated. Today we would ride with Kevin...

Day 15 – Rest Day, Missoula, MT

Today was a rest day. Last evening we finally met up with David O'Neil.  David is from Christchurch, New Zealand.  We have been corresponding for about 8 months via e-mail.  David had to delay his start of the ride to June 8 and has been working to catch...

Rest Day – Walla Walla, WA

Joe and I spent the day relaxing.  Downtown Walla Walla is just a couple blocks away and has a thriving business community.  This is Washington wine country and about every other store front is a wine tasting establishment. We picked up a couple spare tire tubes...