A Note of Gratitude

A Note of Gratitude

As we roll along through rural Wisconsin following the Mississippi River into Minneapolis, I still find it hard to believe that the trip has started.  As the night falls I think about all those who have shown their support and encouragement to make this trip happen.

This blog and website would not have been possible without the help of Eric Springer. Our ride from Portland to Seaside, OR would not have been possible without the help of Shari Wampler connecting us with relatives.  Dave Seiler and Joel Newton paved the way to get the online donations mechanism set up thru Razoo.com.

Above all, this trip would not be possible without my wife Barb.  This trip is the culmination of many years of dreaming, several years of reading and research, and over a year in planning.  Throughout it all, not once has Barb ever waivered in her support of my desire to follow my passions, whether it be in Malawi or this cycling adventure.  Even Friday morning during a conversation on the way to Chicago to catch the train, she reminded me that this trip has roots going back decades to just after we were married.

Barb has sacrificed for this trip.  She will remain home over these ten weeks, I am sure concerned about our well being.  Barb has remained gracious and encouraging to say the least.  She has cautioned me about risks of over-conditioning, and picked up some of my more taxing chores when my back issues and malaria, threatened the very possibility of the trip just a few short weeks ago.  She has remained stoic, and has not let on to any trepidation she might harbor about the journey on which Joe and I embark.  It is not that she doesn’t have these feelings, I am sure she does, but she knows the importance and significance of the trip and its cause, and the passion I have for both.  For these and so many other reasons I want to let Barb, and everyone else know how appreciative I am to have her for my wife and for the loving  sacrifices she is making to make this trip happen.

  • Pam

    A beautiful tribute to your wife. Well done.
    Started our fundraising yesterday and have $77 so far. Will continue throughout the ride. Goal is enough for a well.

    June 3, 2012 at 10:51 pm
  • Melissa

    No doubt! You are blessed with an amazing wife.

    June 6, 2012 at 12:43 am