We’re Ready

We’re Ready

Its just after 9 PM on the 31st.  We leave in the morning for Chicago to catch Empire Builder for Portland. It departs at 2:15.  We will need to get there in plenty of time to check the boxed bikes as well as the other boxes containing the rest of our equipment and bags.  This is probably my biggest anxiety at this point.  Thanks to our neighbor Richard for letting us use his pickup with a topper to haul everything.  It is much more secure and protected from the weather this way.

I don’t have the feeling that I am forgetting anything.  I am feeling well prepared.  I even got in a 5 mile run today, the first in weeks, it felt good.

On the downside, Barb’s dad was admitted to the hospital in Munster, IN today with pnemonia.  After dropping us at the station, Barb will stop by the hospital and spend the afternoon.  Prayers are appreciated for Lee and Linda and the entire family.  This a concern for us all.

This is going to be a short post as it has been a busy day making the final preparations.  I am planning to make a post tomorrow once we’re rolling west.

1 Comment
  • Dallas Jackson

    Steve I am really excited for you guys! I think what you’re doing is fantastic and I plan on following your blog. I will also make a contribution to your ride. Stay safe and have fun!


    June 1, 2012 at 2:48 pm