June 2012

Day 25 – June 28 – Wolf Point, MT to Circle, MT – 54 Miles

Our route took us south from Wolf Point today, leaving the Hi-Line, the combination of Route 2 and the former Great Northern Railway (now Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railroad) which traces a line across North Dakota and northern Montana. Just south of Wolf Point we crossed...

Day 23– June 26 – Chinook, MT to Saco, MT – 100 Miles

100 in 100 When we woke this morning the wind was still out of the east.  We tried for an early start but hit the road just about 8:00 AM.  We grabbed a quick breakfast at the Chinook, Town Pump, the local quick shop, gas station...

Day 21 – June 24 – Shelby, MT to Hingham, MT 70 Miles

…and some random thoughts. The forecast for change in wind direction did not materialize.  This was the third straight day of confronting the wind.  The weather this morning was cool and cloudy with the wind directly out of the east, our direction of travel.  By the...

Day 20 – June 23 – Browning, MT to Shelby, MT 64 Miles

We got the earliest start of our trip this morning leaving Browning at little after 8:00 AM.  It was fairly calm in the morning, but as the day grew, so did the headwinds.  We made it 36 miles to Cut Bank, MT before noon and...