Ride for Water

Cycling for water security

Ride for Water II

Across the outback

Australia Map Earty

Melbourne to Darwin

June 23 - August 10, 2016


to support safe water

and food security in Malawi

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor; If either falls down, one can help the other up.  Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10

Ride for Water is a fundraising effort to provide access to clean drinking water for villages in rural Malawi, Africa. Clean water is essential in reducing childhood mortality and water borne illnesses. It also plays a role in increasing opportunities for women.

The First Ride for Water was a coast to coast ride across the United States that began June 4, 2012 in Seaside, Oregon and finished early August 13 in Bar Harbor, Maine. Ride for Water II will begin June 22, 2016 in Melbourne, Australia and finish in Darwin in early August.

This year we are also paying close attention to the food security crisis in Malawi. Subsistance farming is the way most Malawians meet their day-to-day food needs. The last 2 years have not been kind. Catastrophic flooding that wiped out much of the 2015 harvest was followed by drought. It left many in an extremely perilous situation regarding access to basic nutrion. 2016 has seen this struggle continue as there has been no relief from the drought conditions. We will be evaluating the situation as the harvest year progresses and determine needs in conjuction with our partners to find the most helpful ways to use the funds that are raised.  

The Ecclesiastes passage is one about the strengths of partnerships, how one’s strengths can lift the other out of difficulties.  As it is with our partnership in Malawi where we have established support for each other, so likewise it is on this cycling adventure, we will be counting on one another, whether it is the three of us on the road, or our extended travelers linked with us through the wonders of modern communications.

I hope you will be inspired to share with us in this challenge.

Steve Hankel

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